You are your own healer [Self Growth Myths] | ep79
About this episode:
It can be easy in the world of growth and healing to believe that all the answers are outside of you. That you’re just one workshop or guru away from being fixed. But what if you are your own guru, love? What if you are your own healer?
Listen to this episode to learn how to reclaim your agency in your healing journey.
🎉 Today, I am proud to announce that the doors to my membership, The Alchemy Collective, are now open! If you are ready to become your own healer, your own leader in this journey called life, then I hope you will join me:
A quote to take with you:
“When I found out that I am my own healer and leader, I stopped placing my power in other people’s hands and I reclaimed it.”
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About your host, Shirin Eskandani
Hi, love! I’m Shirin.
Coach, speaker, writer, and life alchemist.
I teach you how to trust your intuition again, tune out all the BS, and let your heart lead the way.
Because once you strengthen your inner GPS, decisions become easier, boundaries become clearer, and belly laughs become a daily thing.
I’m a certified life coach (accredited through the International Coach Federation)
My husband and I met on Instagram and we live in Brooklyn, NY with our plant babies
I have a masters degree in Music and was a professional opera singer for twelve years. I worked all over the world singing on stage at Carnegie Hall and the Metropolitan Opera (more on that later…).
I believe in the woo just as much as I do the work (internal and external). No amount of crystals and affirmations will make up for a lack of a healthy mindset and aligned action.
I love all the Real Housewives franchises. Don’t make me choose one… seriously, don’t.
+ Read the episode transcript here
Welcome to Wholehearted Coaching: The Podcast. If you're looking for more purpose, more passion, more joy in your life, and you have come to the right place, let's create your dream life while living your dream life. Okay, love.
Hi love. Welcome to Wholehearted Coaching: The Podcast. This is where we take a deeper dive into my mindset Monday post, which you can read on Instagram at wholehearted coach. Or you can get the full post plus my weekly journal prompts. When you sign up for my email list, you can do that in the show notes, or you can head to my website, whole
So y'all today I am making a really big announcement and I know it seems like I'm making a really big announcement every week, but today. I am making an announcement that has been years in the making. If you have been listening to this podcast for a while, you know that in this last year I have been hinting at something that I been trying to create incubate something that means a whole lot to me.
And I am finally ready to announce it on this episode. And it's kind of the reason why this month, we are looking at the common misconceptions in healing and growth, common misconceptions in the wellness world, because the more I spend time in this world of self-development and growth and healing, the more I see things that really feel uncomfortable to me, the more I see things that are harmful.
We have coaches and quote unquote leaders and quote unquote healers out there telling us to do things that we know is not right for us. And yet we listened to them because we think, well, this person has been doing this for 20 plus years, or this person has a hundred K followers on Instagram, or this person was recommended to me by so-and-so when I trust so-and-so.
And we find ourselves in these situations where we don't feel well. We don't feel like we're healing. We don't feel like we are growing. And yet we persist, right. Because we think this is what we are supposed to do. And this is what I addressed so often in this podcast. Right. Don't do things that you think you should do or are supposed to do when it comes to your.
And I think we're all understanding that when it comes to our careers, our personal lives, but are we really understanding that when it comes to our healing, there are so many guides and rules and people out there telling us what our healing journey is supposed to look like. And I feel like maybe this is an area in which our self-trust is often lacking.
Right. That sense of, I know what is best for you when it comes to my growth and my healing. Well love, I am here to tell you that you do know best when it comes to your healing. You always know best. So this is my big announcement. I am launching my very first membership, the alchemy collected. The alchemy collective shows you how to bring back your sovereignty, your agency in your wellness, growth and healing.
As part of the collective, you get three group coaching calls a month. You have a private podcast, monthly journal prompts, monthly somatic practices, access to my library of meditations and tapping videos and every Equinox and solstice. I have virtual retreats in store for you with some of my most favorite healers and leaders and thinkers and the world of a wellness growth and healing.
The Alchemy Collective is like this beautiful buffet of all of these modalities and tools and practices that you can use on your healing journey. Yes, I am there to facilitate and to guide and to show you things that I think are extremely helpful, but at the end of the day, the collective is about you.
You choosing what is best for you. I can't tell you how many times I hear from people like, oh my gosh, well, I'm just beyond help. I'm beyond help because I can't even log into my Headspace app or my calm app and do a 10 minute meditation or people saying, you know what, Sharon, I would just love to do the self-growth thing, but I don't think it's for me because I have all of these journals on my desk and all of these books.
And I just haven't even cracked them open. Well, here's the truth. Love wellness is supposed to meet you where you are at just like everything else in our lives. Right? When it comes to perhaps how we exercise, how we engage in our relationships, our wellness is supposed to reflect who we are, what we like and where we are at in our life.
And I feel like a lot of us have this idea that wellness is supposed to be the specific thing, right. That you get up every day at 6:00 AM and you meditate and you do your journaling and you do your prompts and you're off into the world. And everything is amazing. Well, yes and no, sometimes in life that's possible.
And for some of us, that's just not even what we like to do. What I offer you in the collective as all of these tools and modalities and practices, and you can choose what is best for you. You can choose what feels right for you, because truly your healing journey is going to look so specific to who you are and where you are at in your life.
And that is what the collective is about. Empowering you to reclaim your sovereignty, your agency in your self-growth journey. So today's mindset Monday reads you are your own healer and leader. You are your own healer and leader love that is the tagline for the alchemy collective. And that is what we will be doing together in that membership.
It's really reminding you of who you are, that ultimate healer and leader in your life. You know, when I started on this self-growth journey, it was incredible, right. Really becoming self-aware going through old patterning and conditioning. But it was also really overwhelming. There was so much conflicting information.
There was a lot of information and a lot of the information didn't seem to reflect who I was and my background as a first-generation immigrant woman. But, you know, these were people who had an amazing track record and background and all these books and all of these accolades. I would put myself in these harmful places because I was so thirsty for the knowledge and the healing, and I would have to sift and sort through this information and have to unpack it and make it relevant for myself.
I remember this workshop that I went to, and I will not name who this person is, but she is quite a famous person in the world of mindset. And someone asked a question that was really related to white supremacy and this person, this leader, quote unquote, twisted it around and made it seem like the person who was experiencing this incredibly racist act, that it was somehow her responsibility to shift her perception around it.
I was like, hold on, wait up. This is not right. But of course, I didn't feel like I had the agency to speak up that I had the right to say anything. Some of the things that this person said were truthful to me and helpful, and they're things that I use today, but that part of her teaching, that was harmful.
That was toxic. And so I would find myself repeatedly in spaces in which I felt like I always had to be on guard, right. Where I could take some of the truth and the healing in the medicine in, but then also have to have some sort of filter to keep out all that other BS. And when I created Wholehearted Coaching, one of my biggest goals in this business, in this practice, in this work that I do is to make healing and growth accessible for us all.
And when I say accessible, I mean, for everyone of all backgrounds, but also in how we speak about things, how we teach the things. What are the examples we use when we're talking about mindset work? What are the examples we use when we lead someone through a meditation? Y'all mindset, mindfulness and manifestation.
These are the three M's that I teach. They changed my life. They transformed my life, and that is what I teach to you. But I teach it from those experiences that I had in which I had to sift and sort through the bullshit and find the goal. And that is what I am offering to you in the alchemy collective.
It is a space in which you can come and learn and incubate and take ideas and thoughts that are going to really set you on a journey of transformation. And you get to do that in a collective that is a welcoming and a collective that is safe in a collective. That is going to welcome you exactly as you are my love.
When I say you are your own healer and leader, that means that, you know, what is best for you on your healing journey. For me, what that looked like was taking all of that information, all of those teachings, all of those modalities, all of those teachers and finding the gold within all that. I still work with practitioners and teachers.
I still go to workshops. I still buy tons of books, but I now know what the healing looks like for me and what it should feel like for me, when I found out that I am my own healer and leader, I stopped placing my power in other people's hands. And I reclaimed. And so my healing journey no longer felt like this perpetual search, right.
Grasping to be fixed, but more, a continual process of exploration to understand it meant that at the end of the day I chose what was best for me. And if it didn't feel right to. Then it wasn't right for me, it's time to bring back our agency in our healing. It's time to bring back our sovereignty to our wellness.
The alchemy collective shows you how to do that. It's a 12 month membership that shows you how to take back your sovereignty in your healing journey. So this podcast episode is an invitation. My love, if you have enjoyed this podcast, if you listen to it each week, if you like the journal prompts, then the alchemy collective is a space that I know you will love.
You can find out more information at, the doors close on October 1st. So there is limited time to join us. My love. If you are ready to become your own bomb, your own healer, your own leader in this journey called your life. Then I hope you will join me. You can find out more information and sign up at whole until next week.
Love, I will talk to you then. Thank you so much for joining me this week. If you liked this week's episode, please share it with a friend, comment and rate this podcast until next week. See you later. Love.