Ep. 71: Summer Solstice Special
The Summer Solstice reminds us to take up more space and shine even brighter. However this can be so hard to do when we’ve been told to play small. Listen to this episode to find out what may be blocking you from shining brighter and learn how to magnify your own light.
Ep. 70: Are you creating ease or just avoiding?
So often we think we are creating ease in our lives but we’re actually just avoiding the inevitable. Listen to this episode to find out which you are doing and what ease actually means.
Ep. 69: Career Transitions: Wisdom, Tips and Insights
Career transitions can be both terrifying and exciting. Listen to this episode to hear Shirin's personal story of changing careers from being an opera singer to a coach. She offers advice and wisdom to help you navigate your own career transition.
Ep. 68: Mindset: The Faith over Fear Formula
Mindset work is so often misunderstood as being false positivity. But true mindset work is about shifting your thoughts slowly so that you can expand from where you are today to where you want to be in the future. Listen to this episode to learn about Shirin’s Faith over Fear Formula, her tried and tested mindset formula.
Ep. 67: Self Compassion
Self-compassion is probably the last thing you think of when you hear the word productivity. But the truth is that self-compassion is the unsung hero of getting things done. In this episode you’ll learn why self-compassion is a key to productivity and how you can start to cultivate more of it in your life.
EP 66: Fear of Failure
Our fear of failing is often what stands in the way of pursuing our dreams. But the truth is we can’t reach our goals without failing a little (and sometimes a whole lot). Listen to this week’s episode to create a new relationship with fear and learn Shirin’s Fail Better Action Plan.
EP 65: Dreams and Dreaming
Dreams are essential to reaching our biggest goals but probably not for the reason you’re thinking of. Listen to this episode to find out the purpose of our dreams and why they are so important. Learning how to dream bigger is one of the most transformative tools you can develop.
EP 64: How to Claim Your Purpose
Purpose. It can be such a heavy word and so many of us feel like we’re never going to find it. Well, what if you were looking for it in the wrong place? Listen to this episode to find out where you should be looking for your purpose and how you can start to magnify it.
EP 63: How to Become Your Own North Star
So often we are following other's cues on what we should be doing with our lives, but when we do this we end up creating lives that look fulfilling but feel anything but. Listen to this week's episode to learn how you can start to become the leader of your own life.
EP 62: The Difference Between What is Real vs What is True
Our feelings are one of the most powerful tools we have in unlocking our inner wisdom. Listen to this episode to see how you can transform any feeling into knowledge.
EP 61: The Fear of Getting Exactly What You Want
So what's up with the sheer terror we sometimes get when we finally achieve a goal we've been working towards? Listen to this episode to learn how to navigate the worry that often sets in when our dreams actually come true.
EP 60: Growth and Community: What to do when you outgrow your community
All of us have needs, wants and desires. But so often we're either shaming ourselves for having them or looking outside of ourselves to help satiate them. Listen to this episode to learn how you can start to claim your desires from a place of true inner knowing.
EP 59: Name and Claim Your Needs
All of us have needs, wants and desires. But so often we're either shaming ourselves for having them or looking outside of ourselves to help satiate them. Listen to this episode to learn how you can start to claim your desires from a place of true inner knowing.
EP 58: Spring Equinox Special: Growth
The Spring teaches us so much about growth and beauty. Oftentimes we forget that some of our most difficult moments create the soil for our greatest growth. Listen to this episode to learn how nature can teach us what growth truly is and how to do it.
EP 57: Letting Go
What if we reframe letting go and made it less about getting rid of and more about making space for? Listen to this episode to get a new understanding of what letting go is.
EP 56: Productivity
It’s hard to feel productive when our to-do lists never get shorter. Truth is, productivity has less to do with what you’re doing externally and more with what you’re believing internally. Listen to this episode to change your relationship with productivity and learn about Shirin’s Productivity Protocol.
EP 55: The Beauty and Difficulty of Taking Your Time
We know we need to rest but why do we push against it so often? Listen to this episode to reframe your relationship with rest and figure out how you can rest more and rest often.
EP 54: Rewriting Your Story: Fact vs Fiction
We often think that rewriting our story is about creating falsehoods about our past. But what if the story we're holding onto is the actual lie? Listen to this episode to find out what rewriting your narrative means and why it's so important to do.
EP 53: How to Nurture Self-Love
Loving ourselves can be one of the hardest things to do. Namely because we don't know how and so often we don't believe we are worthy of our own love. Listen to this episode to figure out what is holding you back from loving yourself more and how to do it.
EP 52: The Fear Protocol: What To Do When You’re Afraid
So often when we sense fear we think it's a warning sign. But what if the fear is actually an invitation? Listen to this episode to find out how you change your relationship with fear and take action despite. Shirin also shares her Fear Protocol, the questions to ask yourself when you get scared.
EP 51: Manifestation: Willing vs. Allowing
Sometimes we think we're amazing at manifesting and what we're actually good at is working hard. Listen to this episode to find out whether you are manifesting or willing your way into a life you think you should be living. Shirin shares some of her favorite tips to help you let go of willing and step into allowing.
EP 50: The Truth of Who You Are vs. Fake It Until You Make It
There is no fake it until you make it. You showing up in your fullness is actually the truth of who you are. You just need to be reminded of it. Listen to this episode where Shirin reminds you of how capable and powerful you are.
EP 49: Letting Go of Perfectionism and B+ Work
Perfectionism is so often the core reason why we delay on pursuing our dreams. We think there's a perfect way to do it all, and so we stall and procrastinate. Listen to this episode to learn how you can start to let go of perfectionism and embrace the power of B+ work.
EP 48: Our Love Story featuring my husband Rog Law
I manifested my husband and our incredible relationship. I talk often about him but on this episode I wanted him to share his side of our story. Listen to what Rog has to say about how we met and what makes for a good relationship.
EP 47: End of Year Reflections and Journal Prompts
It's the end of a challenging year so let’s take stock of what happened and expand into what's possible together. Listen to this episode to discover some great prompts to help you reflect on 2020 and expand into 2021.
EP 46: Winter Solstice Reflections
The winter solstice reminds us that our biggest transformations take time. Listen to this episode to gain greater insight into how you can become more patient with wherever you are on your self-growth journey.
EP 45: Releasing Expectations
Most of the time when we create an expectation for ourselves, the end result is disappointment. Are expectations serving us or hindering us? Listen to this week's episode to reframe your relationship with expectations and learn how to let go of them.
EP 44: The Cure for Comparison
Comparison is something we all encounter. And so often we try and logic or shame our way out of it, but all we're doing is making it stronger. Listen to this episode to learn Shirin's tried and true system to handle comparison.
EP 43: A New Way of Goal Setting
You're not failing at your goals, love. Your goals are failing you. Learn why our current goal making system keeps letting us down and how to create goals that are actionable and follow through-able the wholehearted way.
MEDITATION: Gratitude for Others
The easiest way to tap into gratitude is to send it to others. Tap into your joy and presence in this guided meditation that will help you send your love and appreciation to those around you.
EP 41: Surrendering to Your Dreams
Your dreams have a life of their own. And if you allow them to lead the way, you can create the most amazing things. Listen to this week's episode to find out how you can start to surrender to your dreams and follow their natural intelligence.
EP 40: Gratitude
Alright, I get it. We all know that gratitude is important but it's hard not to roll your eyes when you hear the word. Listen to this episode to find out why gratitude is so necessary and how you can cultivate more of it.
EP 39: Boundaries vs. Barriers
So often we think we're creating healthy boundaries but instead we're just creating walls around us that don't allow for growth or connection. In this episode learn how to tell the difference between a boundary and a barrier.
EP 38: Letting Go vs. Giving Up
Sometimes we have to let go of things that we worked hard to achieve. But it can be incredibly hard to do so when it just feels like you're giving up. Listen to this episode to gain a new perspective on letting go and moving forward.
EP 37: Is It Intuition, Ego, or Impulse?
It can be so hard sometimes to figure out which voice is intuition, ego or impulse. Listen to this episode where Shirin offers some helpful guidelines to find out which voice is which.
EP 36: Your Intuition and White Supremacy
If we want to explore what is holding us back from following our intuition we have to name white supremacy, capitalism and the patriarchy. Listen to this episode to dig deeper into how.
EP 35: Cultivating Joy
Joy is essential in making us resilient but there are so many misconceptions about what it is. Listen to this episode to find out how you can create and cultivate more joy in your day to day.
EP 34: Wholehearted Living
Truth is, the decisions you make today create your future. But often it can be so scary to do the things that we know we want to do. Listen to this episode to get a deeper understanding of what courageous action looks like and how it can create a wholehearted life. I also interview two of my favorite people, Chrissy King and Jennifer Davidson.
EP 33: Your Myth vs Your Magic Part 2
You are your magic, love. Your magic is the part of you that knows best. The difficulty is listening to that voice and trusting it. Listen to this episode to get some insight as to how you can fully step into your magic.
EP 32: Your Myth vs Your Magic Part 1
What's your story, love? What's the story that you have on repeat in your mind about who you are and what you can do. Listen to this episode to get a greater understanding of what you story is, why it's there and how to start transforming it.
EP 31: Good Feelings vs Bad Feelings
There is no such thing as bad feelings. And the more we label our feelings as good or bad, we miss out on the wisdom and truth that could be uncovered by our emotions. Listen to this episode to find out the real value of your negative feelings.
EP 30: Mindset 101
Learn what mindset means and what mindset work is. In this episode Shirin breaks down her 5 C's of Mindset and offers some tools and exercises to get you started on your mindset journey.
EP 29: Dream Lives vs Perfect Lives
There's a false belief that once we reach our dream our lives are going to be perfect. But when we get caught in this belief, we find ourselves constantly dissatisfied with where we are at now. Listen to this episode to find out how you can unlock the magic of your life now.
EP 28: Whose version of success?
So often we find ourselves unfulfilled because we're chasing someone else's version of success. In this episode learn how to define success for yourself and how to go after it.
EP 27: Procrastination
There's a better way to deal with procrastination than to just judge yourself for it. Usually when procrastination shows up, it's trying to tell us something much deeper. Listen to this episode to learn how to find the wisdom in why you're delaying.
EP 26: Why you're so afraid to fail
Failure is a necessary part of creating our dreams. But let's be honest, it is painful. So often however the source of that pain comes from our selves. Learn how you can be more forgiving and kind to yourself on the other side of failure so you can keep making the mistakes that will take you to where you want to be.
EP 25: Manifestation 101
Interested in manifestation but can't seem to manifest what you truly want? Listen to this episode, where Shirin breaks down FLOW her 4 step manifestation process.
EP 24: Boundaries
We all know how important boundaries are but it can be so hard to honor them sometimes. Listen to this episode to find out when you need boundaries and how to create them.
Ep 23 : The Imposter Syndrome Remedy
Ever found yourself in a space where you worked really hard to get into and still thought "I don't belong here?". Listen to this week's episode to find out how to spot and cure Imposter Syndrome.
EP 22: Rest your way to productivity
Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is nothing at all. We all know that rest is necessary, but often we have so much trouble prioritizing it. Listen to this episode to learn how to reframe your thinking around rest and become more productive and resilient by doing less.
Ep 21: What Worse Than Failure
Our fear of failure is often what holds us back from doing the things we want to do. However, there is something far worse than failure and that is never trying. Listen to this episode to learn how to fail better.
EP 20: Faith over Fear
Faith is necessary if we want to be resilient as we pursue our biggest dreams. Learn how you to start choosing Faith in the face of fear and uncertainty.
EP: 19 | How to be more productive
Want to learn my #1 productivity hack? It has nothing to do with when you get up or what journaling system you use. In this episode learn my unlikely productivity tool.
EP: #18 The antidote to doubt
The bigger your dream, the more doubt you will experience. That's just how it is, love. In this episode learn how to overcome the objections between you and your desires.
EP:#17 How to follow through on your goals
It's easy to feel like a failure when you don't follow through on your goals. But maybe the problem isn't you, maybe it's the goals you're setting. In this episode learn how to create goals that you can't help but achieve!
EP: #16 Reclaim your Purpose
Stop looking for your purpose, love. You're already living it! If you struggle with figuring out what your purpose is then this episode is for you.
EP. #15: Are you hustling for your worth?
Perfectionist? People Please? Over Achiever? Do you identify with any of these labels? Listen to this podcast to learn how these labels are often a way to prove your worth and how you can start to let go of them.
EP. #14: Why you always feel like you’re behind
When it comes to our goals it often likes we're behind, like we're never doing enough. In this episode learn how this feeling may not be based on how much you're doing but more on the lens through which you're looking at your life.
Ep. #13 You always know best
When it comes to your life, you always know best. But it can be so hard to listen to our own wisdom. Listen to this episode to learn why we don't listen to ourselves and how we can start to change that.
MEDITATION: Inviting in softness
How can we be more soft in the face of adversity? In this guided meditation learn how to get comfortable with softness. Discover how your softness can be your strength.
Ep #11: Why you can't rely on strength alone
So often we rely on our strength to deal with overwhelming circumstances. But this often comes at a large cost to our well-being. In this episode, learn how leaning into softness can help during hard times.
MEDITATION: The breath as an anchor
The breath is one of the easiest ways for us to center ourselves. In this guided meditation learn how to use the breath as a tool not only ground yourself but also to release and expand.
EP #09: The difference between planning and dreaming
Right now, we need to dream more than ever. Unfortunately, most of us have stopped dreaming because we equate our dreams with disappointment and failure. Listen to this episode to learn why dreams are so important and how to start dreaming again.
MEDITATION: Gratitude Meditation
Gratitude is the quickest way to our joy. However, it can be easy to lose sight of what is working and fixate on what isn't. Find out how to root yourself in gratitude when life becomes difficult.
EP # 7: Why we need joy more than ever
When the going gets tough, the tough need more joy.
It can be hard in difficult moments to even think of joy. But it's exactly in those moments when we need joy the most because it makes us resilient. In this episode, learn how to create and cultivate joy even in the most challenging moments.
MEDITATION: Feeling difficult feelings
In hard times, it can be so easy to run away from the difficult feelings. But we only end up hurting ourselves when we do so. Learn how to lean into and process uncomfortable feelings in this guided meditation with Shirin.
EP #5: How to find certainty during uncertain times
As we navigate the Covid-19 pandemic we are facing many fears, perhaps the biggest one is the fear of uncertainty. In this episode, learn how to navigate these uncertain times using your self as an anchor.
MEDITATION: How to ground yourself in difficult times
During crisis it can be hard to not get caught up in the worry and stress of it all. Learn how to ground and center yourself during difficult moments in this guided meditation which centers on your root chakra.
EP #3: Special Spring Equinox Episode
The Spring Equinox is only a few days away and there is so much we can learn by looking at Mother Nature. In this week's episode we're doing some intention setting for the future and learning how honor our past. Beauty isn't all about love and light- it also requires a bit of mess.
EP #2: What to do when you don't know HOW to do it
So often when we start to dream big, the next thought we have is "How am I going to do that?" This thought can talk us out of our biggest desires if we allow it to. Listen to this episode to find out how you can overcome the question of "How?" and go after your dreams.
EP #1: 5 Truths That Changed my Life
In this episode, get to know more about your host, Shirin. Listen to her share her origin story of how she went from being an opera singer to a life coach.
She also shares 5 truths that completely transformed her life from the inside out!