How to Manifest with Ease | ep103
Are you wondering if there’s a simpler way to manifest what you want and desire with more ease?
Do magical days like 2/22/22 have you so excited to manifest your dreams, but also… so overwhelmed that you may be doing it wrong?
For those who don’t know, in the spiritual world the date February 22 holds special significance. You see, 222 is an angel number that many believe allows you to manifest with ease. So February 22, people say, is a really potent day to manifest your desires. And this year, seeing as it’s 2022, the spiritual world was ablaze. This was supposedly THE MOST potent day EVER to manifest.
In other words, 2/22/22 was like the Super Bowl of Manifestation.
Everyone wanted a ticket. This was THE DAY to really be rooted in your magic, rooted in your manifestation, doing all the rituals, and all the meditations.
And let me tell you, this day had me completely stressed out.
Today’s Mindset Monday reads:
Any day is magic if you believe it to be.
Instead of being this magical day, for many of us, it was a total day of stress. Maybe you also felt overwhelmed by the magic of it all wondering:
What ritual should I do?
What meditation is best?
What list should I make?
What crystal do I need to charge?
The more and more I thought about it, the more stressed I got. And that’s when it hit me… if 2/22/22 was a magical day to manifest, I couldn’t tap into any of that magic because of all the overwhelm I was experiencing.
The truth is, when it comes down to it, manifestation is all about belief and energy.
Now, I personally do believe in angel numbers, but whether it’s placebo effect or the universe, it doesn’t matter. Because on 2/22/22 we believe that we are magic. And in order to manifest all we need to do is believe.
I realized on 2/22/22 that it doesn’t matter what I do specifically but how I do it.
Yes, I could have done ALL the rituals and in the process been stressed out. But I knew that the stress and overwhelm of it all would have created resistance between myself and my desires.
So instead, I decided to keep it simple, I did 3 of my favorite practices and I put all my intention, heart, and love into those practices. The truth is, any day is magic if you believe it to be. Whether it’s 3/14/22 or 9/4/28.
So if you were able to do a manifestation ritual on 2/22/22 or not, it doesn’t matter.
The power of manifestation comes down to what you believe and how you feel, love.
That’s truly all that matters. Today is as good a day as any to manifest your dreams, love.
In this podcast episode, I’m teaching you 4 easy peasy practices (the 3 I did on 2/22 and 1 bonus one for you) to tap into groundedness, trust, and ease to create real magic and make manifestation a whole lot easier! Let’s get into them.
Wouldn’t It Be Nice…
There’s a very popular manifestation practice where you say or write what you want in the present tense, as if you already have it. For example, instead of “I want a 7-figure income,” you say, “I have a 7-figure income,” right? Now, this is an incredible exercise, but sometimes it really doesn’t work because it reminds you of what you don’t have and how that thing isn’t there.
So, “Wouldn’t it be nice…” is all about daydreaming. It’s you allowing yourself to imagine and think, “Oh, well… wouldn’t this be nice…!”
For this exercise, you can say it out loud or write it down. Set a timer for 3-5 minutes and start off small wondering, “Wouldn’t it be nice…”
For example:
Wouldn’t it be nice…
…if I had an incredible lunch today?
…if the sun came out today?
…if I went for a walk…
…if I wrote a book…
…if that book got on the top New York Times Bestseller List!
…if I traveled the world with my partner…
And you just. keep. going. Allow yourself to get in that really creative, imaginative state not really claiming or attaching yourself to something happening, but opening yourself up to it.
It takes the pressure and stress off of “I am” and “I have”. I love this exercise because sometimes you’ll name things that you’ve never thought of! This exercise allows that stream of consciousness to flow and I’ll tell you, I have surprised myself multiple times with this one.
Writing a Journal Entry in the Future
I love using this practice with those in my group coaching program. What you do is write a journal entry in the future and I have them write an entire day in the life set five years into the future. The key in this exercise is to really paint a picture for yourself using all your senses and write about the feelings and emotions you are experiencing. It's not just about focusing on what you're doing, but what it feels like and who you are.
To start off easy peasy (as promised), write 2 to 3 sentences every day for a week about what you’re doing 5 years in the future. These things don’t have to connect with one another. So, if you dream of being the CEO of your company on Monday, Tuesday doesn’t have to be picturing yourself as the CEO fo your company and having your own personal assistant.
One day, you may picture yourself writing a book. The next, you may be scuba diving in Aruba. The key to this exercise is focusing on how you feel and what makes you feel great to dream about.
A major key to manifesting is how you feel and this exercise allow us to really get into an imaginative space of how we want to feel. Instead of focusing on the specifics (like “I’m the CEO of a major tech company”), focus on how you feel. Maybe you don’t know what job you’ll want 5 years from now and that’s ok. Maybe you do know that you want to be respected when you walk into the office. Maybe you want to feel so strong and powerful. Sometimes we don’t know the specifics of what we want, what career we want, what partner we desire, but we do know how we want to feel in those situations.
Tap into Gratitude
This exercise is one I actually saw on TikTok. I love how simple it is and that it actually works! If I had the video, I would LOVE to credit the creator for it.
In this exercise, before starting a list of intentions and manifestations, you start off with a gratitude list.
In her exact example, the creator created the video on February 2, 2022 and focused on the number 22 (see, major magic this year!). On a sheet of paper, she created 2 columns numbering both from 1 to 22. In the first column, she wrote 22 things she was grateful for and then 22 things she wanted to manifest. See! Simple and easy peasy.
When we tap into gratitude, we tap into the magic of our everyday lives. From the breath we get to breathe to the warm sun shining through our windows. We allow ourselves to get into the high vibration place, which simply means you feel really good and remember, whatever makes you feel really good in manifestation is so key.
Morning Signs
This final practice is all abut looking for the signs that are already there and asking the universe, source, God (whatever you believe in) for help.
For one week, every morning when you wake up say, “Today, I’m going to see something so amazing,” and see what happens.
There’s this incredible thing that when we put an intention for our mind to see something, it starts to see it. When we start to shift our mind in that way, we get into that space of belief.
If you tell your mind every morning that “Nothing works out for me,” guess what? You’re going to see things not working out. But, if we wake up with a positive intention and say to the higher thing that you believe in that you are open to seeing something supportive of that, you will start to see some amazing things.
I’m truly hoping that these really spoke to you and gave you a big sigh of relief when it comes to manifesting whether it’s on your next super magical day or simply tomorrow.
Start by picking 1 and trying it out for one week. Just one week, love. And see what happens. I really want you to become aware of how you feel throughout this new endeavor and I hope that you begin to believe that every day is magical. That every day is amazing. And that every day is the perfect day to manifest anything you desire, love.
A quote to take with you:
“When it comes to manifestation, the two things that are so important are what we believe and how we feel.”
After listening, you’re going to love these episodes!
93 | Manifestation: Willing vs Allowing [Best of WHC]
Sometimes we think we're amazing at manifesting and what we're actually good at is working hard. Find out whether you are manifesting or willing your way into a life you think you should be living. I share some of my favorite tips to help you let go of willing and step into allowing.
Interested in manifestation but can't seem to manifest what you truly want? I’m breaking down FLOW, my 4 step manifestation process.
Did you know that each episode comes with free guided journal prompts?
If you want to be in the know and get each Mindset Monday straight to your inbox complete with journal prompts to take you even further, get on my email list.
About your host, Shirin Eskandani
Hi, love! I’m Shirin.
Coach, speaker, writer, and life alchemist.
I teach you how to trust your intuition again, tune out all the BS, and let your heart lead the way.
Because once you strengthen your inner GPS, decisions become easier, boundaries become clearer, and belly laughs become a daily thing.
I’m a certified life coach (accredited through the International Coach Federation)
My husband and I met on Instagram and we live in Brooklyn, NY with our plant babies
I have a masters degree in Music and was a professional opera singer for twelve years. I worked all over the world singing on stage at Carnegie Hall and the Metropolitan Opera (more on that later…).
I believe in the woo just as much as I do the work (internal and external). No amount of crystals and affirmations will make up for a lack of a healthy mindset and aligned action.
I love all the Real Housewives franchises. Don’t make me choose one… seriously, don’t.
+ Read the episode transcript here
[00:00:00] Welcome to Wholehearted Coaching: The Podcast. If you're looking for more purpose, more passion, more joy in your life, then you have come to the right place. I am your host, coach and life Alchemist, Shirin Eskandani. And I have worked with thousands of people showing them how to create their dream lives while also living their dream.
[00:00:27] This podcast is where mindset, mindfulness and manifestation meet together. We're going to release limiting beliefs. Put your dreams into motion all while prioritizing your ease, rest and joy. Let's do this love. Hi love. Welcome to Wholehearted Coaching: The Podcast. This is where we take a deeper dive into my Mindset Monday post, which you can read on Instagram at @wholeheartedcoaching.
[00:00:55] Or if you want to go even deeper into this week's episode and get my free weekly journal prompts, sign up for my email list and you'll be able to explore the topics we're talking about in this episode. Even further, you can do that in the show notes or by heading to my website:
[00:01:16] And if you're interested in working with me, whether that's one-on-one in one of my group programs or one of my transformational courses, you can head to my website, to find out more. And of course you can also head to the show notes and all of this information will be waiting for you there. All right, love. Welcome to this week's episode.
[00:01:41] So today we're talking all about manifestation. We're going to be talking about two factors, two things that I think are so incredibly important when we are trying to manifest. And at the end of the podcast, I'm going to be sharing with you four of my favorite easy peasy, manifestation practice.
[00:02:02] These are the manifestation tools I go to when I just need kind of a quick reminder, a quick reset, a quick way to tap into my own magic. If you want to experience a deeper dive into manifestation, I recommend checking out episodes 93 and 25. They're really immersive looks at what manifestation is and some of the steps that I really recommend in order to manifest.
[00:02:28] But today we're talking about what we really need to manifest and what are some tools we can use. Now, I was inspired to do this podcast episode because of February 22nd. Now for those of you who do not know the significance of this, I'm going to explain. So February 22nd is also known as 2 22, right? The second month of the year, the 22 day of the year 2 22.
[00:02:57] And in the spiritual world, two to two is a really significant number. It is an angel number that is connected to manifesting with ease. So February 22nd has always been this kind of really important day, this really powerful day to manifest. Now this year y'all we are in the year 2022. So this wasn't just two to two.
[00:03:24] It was 2, 2, 2, 2, 2. Y'all now, let me tell you the spiritual and wellness community was a blaze. I mean, this was like the spiritual super bowl. Like this was it you wanted on to, to, to, to, to, to really be rooted in your magic, rooted in your manifestation, doing all the rituals, doing all the meditations.
[00:03:47] Cause this day everyone told us was like the portal, the portal to manifest. But let me tell you. This day got me so damn stressed out. Okay. And it wasn't just me. It was people around me, like 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, the weight of that day, the weight of how important and how potent and how transformative that day was, got me stressed out.
[00:04:14] And maybe it got you stressed out as well. And it got me thinking about. How we place so much stress on ourselves sometimes in this process of manifestation and how that stress and overwhelm goes completely against stands in resistance to what we're actually trying to manifest. So today we're going to be talking about how magic is part of our everyday and that we don't need these magical days, like to, to, to, to create and to manifest what we desire because love every day can be magic.
[00:04:53] So today's mindset Monday reads any day is magic if you believe it to be. So let's go back to 2 22, 22 or the days leading up to. So I do believe that 2 22 is a really special number. And on that day, I like to do something special in order to manifest. And of course this was a really potent 2 22 because it fell on the year 2022.
[00:05:18] So I was like, oh my gosh, I better get this day. Right. Okay. I got to find the perfect ritual. The best meditations. I have to write the perfect intention list. Like I cannot mess this up because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity because listen, your girl's not living till 30, 22. Like it's just, that's not happening.
[00:05:41] So I was like, I gotta get this right. So leading up to this day, I had possibly saved and downloaded like 30 to 40 posts and videos about the perfect ritual, the perfect meditation to do on 2 22. And I got to 2 22 and I was completely over WellMed. Like which one should I do? Which one's the perfect one.
[00:06:06] Which crystal should I use? Which card should I pull? What am I going to. And I was getting really stressed out because I wanted to make this date perfect, this perfect manifestation date to manifest my perfect goddamn life. And all of a sudden I realized that in my pursuit to make this day perfect in my pursuit to do the perfect thing I was getting in the way of all of the magic of that.
[00:06:35] I was stressed out. I was overwhelmed. And if there's one thing that I know is true about manifestation is manifestation doesn't care. What damn day of the year it is. Manifestation is all about how you feel and what you believe. And so, yes, I believed that this was a really great day for me to manifest.
[00:06:55] But I was also believing that there's a perfect way to do this. I was also believing that I wasn't doing it right. I was also believing that I had no idea what I was doing and that I had to use another ritual, another practice, another meditation, something new to me because this was the most potent day of all.
[00:07:11] And I could not pardon my French. Fuck it up. And I was like, surely. This goes in the face of everything that, you know, to be true, that you teach about manifestation, manifestation flows from one, one, a place of ease and trust, and you don't have any of that. And I realized that while. Yes, I do believe that 2 22 is a magical day.
[00:07:40] It's not magical if I'm putting all of the strain and pressure and stress on myself. And I know this to be true for a lot of people, because that day I decided to do an IgG live, to talk about this, to say, Hey, I have a feeling that you may be overwhelmed and stressed out about this day. So let's just release the stress.
[00:08:00] And here are three easy things. You can do three easy practices, and I'm gonna be talking about those practices at the end of this podcast. And I'm adding a four. But I cannot tell you how many DMS and messages I got from people. How many comments I got from people saying, thank you. Thank you. I was so stressed out all day to day, trying to figure out what to do and how to harness this energy.
[00:08:24] And it was making me feel so overwhelmed that I wasn't really doing anything or I was doing things and it didn't feel right. And I felt like I was coming short. Thank you for this. So love when it comes to manifestation, the two things that are so important. Are what we believe and also how we feel. So I think days like 2 22 are magical.
[00:08:51] Now, whether it's placebo effect or it's the universe, I don't care because on that day, There is this energy of this is a day that is going to help me. This is a day in which I don't have to do so much heavy lifting. This is a day in which the universe is actually on my side. Now, again, whether that is placebo effect or the actual universe, I don't care because in manifestation, the most important thing is that you believe.
[00:09:19] Right that you believe that you can have an incredible partner that you believe that you can make seven figures that you believe that you can move to Portugal and have that eat. Pray, love life that you've been dreaming of belief is the most important thing. And so these days, like 2, 2, 2, or 1, 1, 1 that's the day me and my husband got married and that was not a coincidence.
[00:09:43] I made that happen very much on purpose. These days are magical. Right. But they're magical also because we believe them to be magic. So the truth is any day can be magical if you believe it to be, if you want it to be, it all comes down to how you are thinking and what you are thinking. And so what was happening for me on 2 22, 22, and maybe it was happening for you too.
[00:10:12] Was that you were like, oh my gosh, I have to get this day. Right. I have to do this day perfectly. I have to write the best intention list. I have to do the best ritual. I cannot mess this up. And so thoughts like that, take us out of our beliefs. And the focus, our belief in a different place on how we're not doing things well on how we're imperfect, how we're going to mess it up.
[00:10:35] And so our belief becomes almost like, you know, when you have like a hose, a hose with lots of pressure, but then if you place your finger on the hose and the water just starts going all over the place, right. It has no direction. And so that's kind of what was happening with me on that day. I did believe that this day was a really potent day, but by other beliefs of not messing this up, that I could do it wrong that I didn't know what I was doing was taking all of that beautiful belief that I had and throwing it all over the place, making it directionless.
[00:11:09] So when it comes to manifestation, what you believe is queen is king is whatever we want to call it, but what you believe is the most important thing. So again, If that is 2 22, 22 is a potent magical day. Yes. Believe that if you want to believe that 3 24 22 is a magical day. Yes. Believe that if you want to believe that 5 21 28 is the day.
[00:11:39] Yes. Believe that. But it's about that real deep sense of belief. And then it's about how we feel. So we combine these two things of belief and our energy. And that's when I think manifestation really flows. Now it's not even, I think it does flow. So on that day I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed out and that was taking me totally out of my magic.
[00:12:06] It was taking me totally out of that aligned space in which I know manifestation really thrives in. And the stressed out outness and the overwhelmness were coming from what I was thinking as well. Right. So it's all connected together. So I realized on that day that yes, I do believe this day is magical.
[00:12:26] Yes, I do believe that I can manifest some amazing stuff today and yes, I know what to do on this day. I can keep it simple and I can keep it easy and I can manifest the most incredible thing. Right. So I shifted what I was thinking. I shifted my beliefs and by shifting that I was able to create that groundedness and that sense of calm for myself.
[00:12:53] And I know whenever I'm in that place, that's when I manifest the most incredible things. The words we say to ourselves when we are on our manifestation journey matter, they matter so much. And so before I was saying to myself, you don't know what you're doing. You gotta get this right. You have to get this perfect.
[00:13:13] You gotta find the perfect ritual. And that was causing me to feel really stressed out and overwhelmed. And then I shifted it to, you've got this, keep it simple. Do what you like, do what you know, works for you. And that's when I fell into, I found the magic of that day for myself. So again, if you want to go deeper into what I believe the steps to manifestation are and how I think manifestation really flows, check out those two podcast episodes.
[00:13:44] But now I want to share with you four practices for easy peasy practice. That allow you to get into that space of belief and that allow you to tap into that feeling of groundedness and trust an ease, those feelings that create real magic in our lives. So the first practice I want to share with you, and this is possibly my favorite, and I'm probably going to say that about each one of them.
[00:14:11] But I call it. Wouldn't it be nice now, wouldn't it be nice. Was born out of my frustration about a manifestation exercise that a lot of really amazing manifestation teachers recommend. And so a lot of people recommend that when you are thinking about what you desire and what you want to manifest, not just say I want seven figures.
[00:14:33] You instead say I have seven figures, right? So it's like, I'm already there. I'm living this truth. I'm not just thinking about this future where I'm making this income, but no, no, no. I am in it already. And this is an incredible exercise. It's really amazing. But sometimes it really doesn't work because when you write down, I have seven figures.
[00:14:55] I have an incredibly supportive partner. I have my dream home. It kind of reminds you of what you don't have. It reminds you that that thing is not there. And instead of helping you, you know, raise your vibration and make you feel better, it actually makes you feel worse. And sometimes when you write that list, it feels icky.
[00:15:14] It doesn't feel so great because you just don't believe it's possible for you. Right. Seeing it in that way. I have, I am. So wouldn't it be nice is just about you daydreaming and imagining and thinking, oh, well, wouldn't this be nice. Taking that pressure and stress off of I am. I have that. You have to have these things, but more thinking about, wow, wouldn't this be nice.
[00:15:42] So the, wouldn't it be nice exercise. You can do it out loud. You can do it by writing it down. You set a timer for about three to five minutes and you just say out loud, you write down, wouldn't it be nice things that you think would be so nice to have. And, and I recommend starting small. Like wouldn't it be nice if I had an incredible lunch today?
[00:16:02] Wouldn't it be nice if the sun came out today? Wouldn't it be nice if I went for a walk. Wouldn't it be nice if I wrote a book, wouldn't it be nice. If that book got on the top New York times bestseller list, wouldn't it be nice if I traveled the world with my partner and you just keep going from there and there, and there you allow yourself to just get in that really creative, imaginative state and not really claiming or attaching yourself to something happening, but opening yourself up to it.
[00:16:34] Possibly. Wouldn't it be nice, takes the pressure and stress off of manifestation. And I love this exercise because sometimes you will name things that you have never thought of before, because you're allowing yourself to really just get into the flow of it, have that stream of consciousness. And I will tell you, I have surprised myself multiple times during the wouldn't it be nice exercise.
[00:16:57] I have set things that I never even thought that I wanted to manifest. And I was like, wait a second. That sounds amazing. So the first easy peasy exercise easy-peasy manifestation exercise is wouldn't it be nice. Now the second practice. Now, this one sounds a little bit like the previous practice, but I promise you it's not.
[00:17:20] This is also one of my favorites. See, I told you I was going to say they're all my favorites. What you do is you write a journal entry in the future. In my group coaching program, I have them write an entire day in the life. Okay. And we do it for five years in the future. So from when they wake up to when they go to bed, but what I recommend for an easy peasy way to get into this exercise is to every day, write two or three sentences about what you're doing in the future.
[00:17:56] And these don't have to connect, right. You don't have to write one day. I'm the CEO of my company. And then the next day, I'm a CEO of my company. And now we're doing this initiative. No, it can be like, I am writing a book one day and the next day you're, I don't know a scuba diver. I mean, those two things can be connected, but this is again about you imagining and allowing yourself to get into that dream space.
[00:18:21] And so with this exercise, what I really, really recommend and how I feel like it's different from that previous exercise where, you know, a lot of coaches, manifestation coaches say right in the present tense, right. I have a million dollars. It's more about how you feel. It's more about what it feels like to be in that space.
[00:18:41] So a lot of the times I have clients who are like, well, I want a different job. And it feels really hard for me to write down five years in the future, what that job is, because I can't even imagine what that thing is. So this exercise is great because what I tell them to do is write down what it feels like to be in that job.
[00:18:59] Right. So I wake up in the morning and I'm so excited to head towards. I am so appreciated there I am so respected there. When I walk into my office, I feel so strong and powerful. Right? So writing down those things, and maybe you can even write down things that are associated with that job that you don't have to go into work, but you can work remotely that you are in Aruba, looking out at the sea and also holding a bad ass meeting with your entire team.
[00:19:30] So, this is about all of the feelings that are associated with your manifestation, and you can do the same thing with partnership, right? Sometimes you don't know what we want, what our partner is going to be, but we do know how we want to feel in that partnership. We can apply this to any. I love this exercise so much, because again, it allows us to take off the pressure and the stress and really get into that imaginative space.
[00:19:55] And that is where manifestation really blossoms and blooms. We allow ourselves to take ourselves out of that box of things that we think we should have or supposed to have. And go beyond that box. Okay. So the second exercise is writing a journal entry in the future, and you can make it a long journal entry.
[00:20:17] It can be a day in the life, or you can do it over a week and every day, write a series of sentences, something different each time about what that future is like. Now this third exercise actually comes from a Tik TOK video I saw, and I wish I had it. So I could cite this person. I could tell you to go follow this person, but I do not remember where I saw this, but I love this practice so much.
[00:20:45] So it was actually a practice for February 2nd, 22. Right. So to do. And I saw this video and I loved it and its simplicity. And also in that it really works. So this person suggested that before you make an intention list to first write down a list of what you're grateful for. And because that day was 2, 2 22, it was first make a list of 22 things you're grateful for.
[00:21:14] And then 22 things you want to manifest. I love this exercise so much because when we first tap into what we're grateful for, what we're appreciative of our energy instantly rises, right? Our vibration goes higher because when we tap into what we're grateful for, we tap into the fact that our lives actually are magic right now.
[00:21:39] From the breadth that we get to breathe to the amazing sun that is coming in through our windows. When we can tap into gratitude, we allow ourselves to get into that, really what we call a manifestation high vibration place, which really just means you feel really good. So whatever makes you feel really good in manifestation is so key.
[00:22:01] I once had a teacher tell me that everyone is one cute puppy video from manifesting their dreams. So why this exercise is so powerful is it allows you to get into the magic of your life through gratitude. And then as you're writing your intention lists, you're writing it from that place of possibility of feeling good of having that abundance already in your life.
[00:22:25] Now, what I've started to do with this practice is every day, this month I've actually started to write down, according to that day of the. Those things that I'm grateful for. So on, you know, February 23rd, I wrote down 23 things I'm grateful for on February 24th, I write down 24 things I'm grateful for.
[00:22:44] And I don't do a manifestation list every day. But what I found is just being able to tap into what I'm grateful for every morning allows me to feel really damn good. And when I feel really damn good, I think anything is possible. And when I think anything is possible, I know I can manifest incredible things.
[00:23:04] So this third practice is a really easy and beautiful way to allow you to tap into what you want to manifest, because I know that can be really overwhelming sometimes as well. So first writing down what we're grateful for, and then writing down what we want to create. And also I'm going to be. Those 22 things that I wrote down on both lists, 22 was a lot.
[00:23:27] It actually is more than you think it is. So you also have to start tapping into that place of imagination and possibility and tapping into, okay. What could be possible going outside of that box? Right. Really pushing ourselves beyond. Okay. Now we're at the final manifestation exercise. This one is an exercise that I've been using from day one.
[00:23:51] One of the big things about manifestation is about shifting your beliefs. It's about believing that things can be magical and things can be possible for you. And so with this fourth practice, it's all about you looking for the signs that are already there and asking the universe for help. So what I want you to start doing just for this week is every morning, wake up and say today.
[00:24:19] I'm going to see something so amazing and then just see what happens. It's this incredible thing that when we put an intention for our mind to see something, it starts to see it. If we tell our minds every morning that nothing works out for us, guess what? We're going to see things not working out for us.
[00:24:40] If we put the intention in our mind that things are really difficult, guess what? We're going to see really difficult things. But if we wake up with the intention and say to ourselves universe source God, whoever you believe in today, I am open to seeing something so amazing. Let me tell you love. You will start seeing amazing things.
[00:25:03] Now that doesn't mean that there isn't difficulty or challenge or things don't go left, but it means that we also start seeing those brilliant things, those beautiful things, those incredible things that are also happening. And when we start to shift our mind in that way, we get into that space of belief.
[00:25:22] That every day is magical. That every day is amazing. That every day is the perfect day to manifest anything you desire, because love that is the truth. Any day is just as good as any to manifest. If you believe. So today, as you're listening to this podcast, this is your 2 22 22. Love. You don't have to wait till February 22nd, 2023, to find that portal, to find that day of potent manifestation.
[00:25:53] No love. That's up to you. It can be today. It can be any day. You want it to be. As we close this podcast. I want you to think of one of the practices that I talked about in this episode, and I want you to open yourself up to it, try it out, make a commitment to it this week. See what happens. And as we take a deep breath in and out to finish the podcast, I want you to think of one thing that's really resonating for you.
[00:26:26] So taking a deep breath in thinking of that thing and taking a deep breath out until next week. I'll talk to you then. Thank you so much for joining me this week. If you liked this episode, please share it with a friend subscribe or follow where you love listening most. And if you haven't yet leave a review, you can do this on apple podcasts box pod, chaser, or podcast addict until next week, love.