How to Claim Your Purpose | ep64
About this episode:
Today, we're diving in to the "P" word - purpose.
This is a heavy word for so many people, but I promise that by the end of this episode, you will have a totally new relationship with it.
9 times out of 10, new clients come to me because they want to figure out what their next career move should be. They’re miserable at their current workplace and while they may be rewarded financially (in the best cases), it’s not rewarding work. It’s not their calling.
They want a career that they’re passionate about. A job that makes them excited to get up in the morning and that doesn’t leave them drained at the end of the workday. In short, they want to find their purpose. Trouble is, they’re looking for it in the wrong place.
Here’s a truth: Our jobs are not meant to be our purpose.
Sometimes our jobs are an expression of our purpose or they allow us to invest in or explore it. But our careers are not the true source of our purpose. And the more we try to burden our jobs with being our purpose, the more disappointed and disillusioned we become.
Simply put, nothing external, nothing outside of yourself is ever your purpose.
Your purpose is living within you already. It was a seed planted in you long ago that has grown and is being expressed every day in your life. Problem is, you’re looking for it in the wrong places. You’re looking for it through your career, through your family and friends, through the biggest and grandest ways.
And usually our purpose is being most genuinely expressed in the smallest of moments.
Listen to this episode to find out where you should be looking for your purpose and how you can start to magnify it.
A quote to take with you:
“When we enjoy our lives, it doesn’t mean that we’re not on top of it. We bring the joy, the ease, the pleasure back into the day to day. That’s what truly is the purpose of why we are here: to be in the pleasure of it.”
Want to dive deeper through journal prompts?
If you want to be in the know and get each Mindset Monday straight to your inbox, get on my email list:
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Inner Compass: The Course: If you’re ready to finally figure out what you’re meant to do in this world, if you’re ready to stop getting in your own damn way, if you’re ready to actually breath life into your dreams, then this special experience is for you. Graduates know how to face challenges and achieve their goals because they know how to use their mindset to work for them. That’s why there is such a huge success rate.
About your host, Shirin Eskandani
Hi, love! I’m Shirin.
Coach, speaker, writer, and life alchemist.
I teach you how to trust your intuition again, tune out all the BS, and let your heart lead the way.
Because once you strengthen your inner GPS, decisions become easier, boundaries become clearer, and belly laughs become a daily thing.
I’m a certified life coach (accredited through the International Coach Federation)
My husband and I met on Instagram and we live in Brooklyn, NY with our plant babies
I have a masters degree in Music and was a professional opera singer for twelve years. I worked all over the world singing on stage at Carnegie Hall and the Metropolitan Opera (more on that later…).
I believe in the woo just as much as I do the work (internal and external). No amount of crystals and affirmations will make up for a lack of a healthy mindset and aligned action.
I love all the Real Housewives franchises. Don’t make me choose one… seriously, don’t.
+ Read the episode transcript here
Welcome to wholehearted coaching the podcast. If you're looking for more purpose, more passion, more joy in your life when you have come to the right place. Let's create your dream life while living your dream life. Okay, love it. Hi love. Welcome to wholehearted coaching the podcast. This is where we take a deeper dive into my mindset Monday post, which you can read on Instagram at wholehearted coaching or you can get the full post plus journal prompts. When you sign up for my email list. You can do that in the show notes. Or you can head to my website wholehearted dash So this episode is for anyone out there who still feels like they do not know what they are doing with their life. Right? You are a grown ass adult, and you still don't know what your calling is what you're doing. It's, it's for anyone out there who feels like there's something wrong with them that they are behind, because it seems like everyone else has figured out what they are doing. We're going to be talking about purpose today, your purpose. And I know that this is a really heavy word. It's a word that is thrown around so much in the world of self development and coaching, right? Find your purpose, pursue your purpose, making it seem like it's this super easy thing to do. And the fact that you still don't know what yours is, means that you're not trying hard enough or that there's something intrinsically wrong with you. Well, that's a lie. Okay, because today, we're going to be looking at purpose, the whole hearted way. What I believe about purpose goes against the grain of what so many people out there say. So if you are someone who feels like, oh, gosh, I still don't know what my purpose is. And you feel down about that this is the episode for you. It's also the episode for you if you do know what your purpose is, because I am going to be talking about some concepts that are going to really help you magnify your purpose. So I believe that your purpose isn't outside of you, you don't need to go searching for it, you need to go looking for it, you are already living your purpose. You just haven't learned how to name it and claim it yet. This is going to be all about my process of naming and claiming your purpose. Because what I have found after a years of coaching is that more often than not, we're looking for our purpose and all the wrong places. And in today's episode, we're going to be talking about where we should be looking for our purpose, and how we can fully magnify our purpose. So we're talking about this topic purpose. Can I say purpose more? If this was a drinking game, you would be so drunk by now but we're talking about purpose because for the next four weeks, I am giving you an inside look into what you can learn in my online course. inner compass the course last week I announced that this summer I am teaching the course live. We're calling it inner compass virtual summer camp, meaning you're gonna get group calls with me and some really incredible bonuses. I also announced last week that I am going to give you a sneak peek into what we do in inner compass, the course and a five day free masterclass called the inner compass experience. And I am so happy to announce that today. So if you're listening to this podcast live today, you can officially sign up for the masterclass it's running from May 16 to the 21st during this five day masterclass I am teaching you live the foundations of inner compass work and you can get to really experience what's possible in the course. So this is me teaching you everything live, this is not pre recorded, this is me and you moving through the work together and everything is going to be recorded. So if you can't make it live, you can watch the replays. So you can sign up for the masterclass for this special intimate experience now by heading to the show notes or you can head to wholehearted dash coaching comm slash experience. So inner compass the course is a step by step guide that shows you exactly how to go after your dreams, your purpose, your passion, in a way that is sustainable, efficient and nourishing. This is the tried and true methodology that I use with all of my clients, whether it's one on one, or in my groups to create their dream lives, while of course, living their dream lives. So starting this week, and again, for the next four weeks, each episode is dedicated to one of the themes, one of the lessons in the course. So it's going to be five weeks total. And there are five modules to the course. So today, we're starting with one of the lessons from module one. So in week one in inner compass, the course it's called name and reclaim your purpose. That's what we're talking about today. Next week, we're going to be looking at module two of the course, which is called Dream on dreamer, which is about learning how to dream big again, so you can create goals larger than you could have ever imagined. The week after that, we're looking at module three, which is all about resistance, because no matter how much you want it, your shits gonna get in the way. Okay, so this is a very important module. module four is about doing the damn thing, which is about doing the work with a set of productivity tools that really emphasizes your health, your joy and your ease. And the final week is joy, how we can do it all with faith and ease as the foundation which makes it sustainable. So this week, we're looking at module one, name and reclaim your purpose. And we are diving in deep right because today's episode is about your purpose. So throughout this episode, I am going to be referencing the worksheets. So if you sign up for my email list, you will get the worksheets from the course. And the worksheets are a really incredible way for you to dive in deeper and to explore the themes we're talking about further. So if you want to grab the worksheets that I'll be referencing throughout these episodes, head to my email list. And also at the end of each episode, I am interviewing a graduate from inner compass the course so you can hear from them what the inner compass experience is like, right? So we're going to be talking all about inner compass the course this month, I want you to really get an idea of what is possible in that course it is an incredible experience. And I have witnessed so many women completely transform their lives their mindsets, through the inner compass experience. So all this stuff is in the show notes. You can find out more about inner compass the course you can sign up for inner compass experience, which is the masterclass that will give you a taste of what's an inner compass, the course and you can also get on my email list. Okay, so let's get into today's Mindset Monday, it reads, your profession is not your calling. Your job is not your purpose. Your life is the calling. Your purpose is how you live that life. So I want to start off with a story about myself. For 10 plus years, I was an opera singer. I've talked about this on the podcast before, but ever since I was a little girl, I just knew that I was meant to sing, I loved to sing. And I always considered myself so lucky that I had figured out my purpose in life. So early, right? I love to sing, it brought my life meaning so that must be my purpose. And so of course here I am singing in the world. And then all of a sudden, I decided to switch careers. Now this was a decision that I knew I had to make a decision that felt so right for me, right, the decision to transition from being an opera singer to a coach. And even though the decision I knew was right for me, I had a complete breakdown. Because I no longer knew what my purpose was. Right? I wasn't singing. So what was my purpose, right? And how did coaching fit into all of this was coaching my purpose now? What I was facing in that moment was this lie, this belief that we have all been fed that our jobs, our careers are our purpose, that they are what bring meaning to our lives. And for others of us. It may not be our jobs, it may be our families, our friends, our communities, right, that these things outside of us are our purpose. And what I have come to find out and what we're going to be breaking down in this episode is that we have this all backwards. Our jobs, our relationships, they are not our purpose. They can be an extension of our purpose. They can be an expression of have our purpose, but they are not our purpose in and of itself. Right? our jobs, our relationships, while they can be meaningful, they are not what bring meaning to our lives. The truth is nothing external. Nothing outside of yourself is your purpose. Your purpose exists within you. Love, you are all ready living out your purpose, but you just don't see it yet. Right? We're going to be talking about this in this episode. I'm sure you're like, Okay, Sharon, I'm kind of on board, but like, what the heck, where am I looking for this thing for Trust me, I got you. Okay, I just want to tell you that love, you are probably looking for your purpose in all the wrong places. One of the biggest barriers, when it comes to this idea of purpose is that we've been taught that our purpose exists outside of ourselves, right? our jobs, our relationships in the things that we do. So you may be someone who feels really confident in your purpose, because you have a job, a career that brings you meaning, and that you really love. Or perhaps you're an incredible source of support and inspiration for your friends, family and community. And you feel like, okay, yeah, these people, they're my purpose. But the problem is, is that when we place our purpose, in anything outside of ourselves, we are on shaky ground. What happens if you lose your job? What happens when your friends move away? What happens when your kids grow up? What happens when you decide to switch careers, I created inner compass, of course, at the height of the COVID pandemic, at a time when so many people lost their jobs. For those people who believed that their purpose in life was their work, they not only face the difficulty of being jobless, but also the emptiness of no longer having their purpose in their lives. Love, your purpose is never outside of you. One thing, one person can never be the source of your purpose. This would be like placing the source of your love on a partner, right, or the source of your worth on your looks, we can all understand how much pressure and weight that would be on our partners if we did that. And we can understand how unstable it can be to place our worth on our looks. And yet we do the same thing when it comes to purpose and our careers or our relationships. So when it comes to naming and claiming this process of naming and claiming, we have to remember, okay, I want you to just wrap your mind and heart around this idea that nothing outside of yourself is your purpose. Now those things can be an extension of your purpose and expression of your purpose pathway for your purpose, but they are not your purpose in and of itself. So let's come back to me, right my moment of crisis when I decided to switch careers. I was holding on to so much shame in that moment. I felt like this total millennial stereotype jumping from one disparate career to another trying to quote unquote, find myself. And all of a sudden, I was faced with that question that so many of my clients come to me with which is what am I doing with my life? Right? I couldn't figure out how coaching fit into my purpose, which I thought was singing. And then I created this process of naming and claiming my purpose. I realized then that singing and coaching weren't as disparate as I once thought. They were both expressions of my purpose. Now we're going to get into the naming and claiming process, I promise. Okay, I will break that down for you. But had I held on to the belief that my job was my purpose had I held on to the belief that singing was my purpose, then I couldn't see how coaching and singing were one in the same right when I was able to name that when I was able to name my purpose, outside of it being my job, then I could fully take up space as a coach and business owner. This is the power of being able to name and claim your purpose, because there's so much freedom, because we no longer judge our decisions when it comes to our life. When we get clear on our purpose, then we can take leaps that may seem disparate to them. But we are so rooted in our purpose that we know why we're doing it. All right, so let's get into the naming and claiming process. Now this is exactly what I teach you in inner compass the course right? We have an entire Your module on this, how I was able to reclaim my purpose. And I always how I've shown hundreds of women to do the same. And I can't go through the entire process in this episode, but I am going to give you some tips right now and get on my email list. So you can grab the worksheet, okay, that worksheet is so clutch is so key, because it's going to take you through this process of naming and claiming step by step. So naming and claiming your purpose, where do we start? So this is where we start, we start with you getting clear on what makes you come alive, inspired and excited. in your life. I want you to think about those things right, and you can find them at work. You can find them at home with your friends at the grocery store, you can find them in your Netflix queue on your bookshelf, seriously, love, your purpose is found all over the place, right. But usually we're looking for our purpose in these big and grand ways, our career, our family. But the truth is, your purpose is being revealed to you right now, in the smallest of things and ways. I truly believe that our purpose is most genuinely expressed in the smallest of moments. So I want you to start paying attention to those things. Because that's when you realize, oh my gosh, I have been living my purpose all along. That's when life feels aligned, fulfilling, and we feel so much less lost. So I want you to be like a detective like an Angela Lansbury, right, and find all the things that light you up in your life, those things that you can't stop thinking about that make you come alive in the best of ways. And again, that worksheet is going to help give you guidance on how to do that. Once you've gotten clear, once you have those things, you write them down. And again, we're looking at small things here, not just big things. Once you get those things, you have a list of them, you start to look for the themes and the threads. And by the end of the worksheet, again, I'm naming that worksheet, grab it on the email list, you're going to find what I call your one sentence purpose statement. To me, purpose can be summed up in one sentence, that's when it's the most potent. Now some people call this statement your why. Meaning it's the why you want to do the things you do in your life. Right, whichever one you like, use it your why your purpose, I like to use them interchangeably. So some examples of this one sentence purpose statement that I've helped clients create are to connect and transform people through joy. That's mine, to create incredible experiences for myself and others to connect and collaborate on a deep level to create solutions that others don't see. One of my favorite one sentence purpose statements was to walk in a room and see the beauty. So with a one sentence purpose statement, I'm going to give you a couple tips and disclaimers. One, avoid getting too specific. You want something that can be applied to every aspect of your life personal and professional. Try and avoid things like a specific profession or relationship. Your ideal sentence has no attachment to anything outside of yourself, right. That's why my statement to connect and transform people through joy that can be applied to so many things, right? It could be coaching, it could be singing, it could be how I interact with people at the grocery store. So instead of something like fix climate change by creating massive social movements, try to create transformation within myself, my community and globally through solutions that are collaborative, innovative and engaging. Seriously, that was one that I came up with with a client of mine. So the second disclaimer, this is going to be a broad and general statement and that may be uncomfortable for you we like specificity but the beauty of a statement that is a little more broad is that it allows us to play around and experiment with our lives with no judgment we can still be in our purpose at work outside of work with friends when we're alone. Right? Once you find your why the what doesn't matter, I say this so often to clients right the what can become fluid at that point. Again my Why is to connect and transform people through joy five years ago my why was best expressed when I was singing today. My Why is best expressed coaching Writing and public speaking five years from now, I don't know, right. But once you know the why the What does not matter. And this is why I think this is so freeing, because we have that permission to change careers to move cities to get out of relationships, it's all about the Y. The third disclaimer, your statement does not have to be altruistic, it can be just about you. And the final disclaimer, having said all of this, your y can change. Just as you change your y will shift and transform. So I want to tell you a story about one of my clients who came to me years ago, because although she had this amazing career, she didn't feel fulfilled. She had gone from coach to coach program to program trying to figure out what her purpose was, because it certainly wasn't her job. She felt most alive when she was surfing and swimming, but she didn't want to give up her well paying job to become a full time surf instructor that didn't feel right to her. So we did a little digging and found the common connection between all the things that lit her up that she loved was her purpose, which was to create incredible experiences for other people. Once we found her statement. Once we uncovered this truth, she realized she was living out our purpose all over the place at home at work in your relationships, suddenly, she could see how she was all ready rooted in her purpose, her energy, her clarity, your sense of self totally changed, right, she was no longer hard on herself. Her job didn't seem as unfulfilling as before her personal connections blossomed, and she continued to create more and more incredible experiences for herself and others in small and big ways. She didn't have to switch jobs, she didn't have to move, she just had to see how she was already living a meaningful life and make that grow. Love, you are all ready living your purpose I know you are. And now the work is for you to uncover it. You don't have to find your purpose. Instead, you have to acknowledge the small ways that you're already living it out. And when you find that I want you to magnify them, highlight them, and you will see how things shift. You do not need to change your job, you do not need to move you do not need to be hard on yourself. You are all ready living your purpose and an inner compass the course I will guide you step by step to being able to name what it is. So you can take up even more space. So if this is resonating for you check out inner compass the course you can do that in the show notes or head to wholehearted dash coaching comm slash inner compass. And if you want a sneak peek into what inner compass is all about, join me for my free five day masterclass the inner compass experience from May 16 to the 21st. So you can sign up for that by going to the show notes or whole hearted dash coaching comm slash experience. And stay tuned because I am interviewing one of the inner compass graduates who so struggled with this idea of purpose. And when she was able to name and claim it, she went off running, you will want to hear her story. I am so excited to introduce you all to Lisa Marie, who is one of the inner compass graduates. She is a joy and a light. And she's just been such a big part of our community. And I feel like Lisa, you have been one of those people who showed up to the calls and you were very honest and transparent about your like, aha moments, moments that were challenging, which I loved because we we were all as a community able to go through it all together because I think you named a lot of the things that people were like, I'm struggling with this. This makes sense. This doesn't Um, so Lisa, tell us a little bit about yourself. Myself. Okay. One of the things I'm not great at talking about. I'm Lisa. I do a variety of things. I guess if we're just talking about from the perspective of like doing I am a yoga teacher. I am a freelancer. I helped manage a yoga studio as well. So you know, doing all the things. I have an Etsy shop that I'm starting doing pottery. So you know, I'm, I don't like to say all over the place, but like I'm open and things that come my way I'm willing to do it. So that's one of the things I love about you. And I get to work with a lot of incredible women like you that are multi hyphenate that have a lot of different passions. And they're curious about a lot of things, however, that in our society can be kind of seen as a negative, right that like, Oh, she's just jumping around all over the place. What's the new thing she's into? What's the new thing she's trying? And so is that something that you experienced? Or had that kind of mindset around all these different things that you really love to do? Yeah, I think you really hit the nail on the head with that, that I wear so many hats. And I saw that originally as an issue. I had a lot of self judgments around it, because my interests, they varied. And I felt like I was all over the place. And that in my head, I had this vision of this perfect person, that you did one thing and you love that one thing, and you do it for the rest of your life. And I was constantly trying to find my one thing, but also enjoying doing a lot of things at the same time. So it was all very confusing. And so, you know, coming around to that, and that's why I love it. So yeah, tell me about what, um, what drew you to signing up and enrolling in inner compass the course? Yeah, so I, again, freelancer, I had the opportunity to coordinate with you chagrin, on doing kinda like a mini workshop for a retreat at Hill House. And I was like, in the backstage like, running all the things for everyone's, like, platform wise, cuz you know, everything for now, and got the chance to listen to you just kind of do your thing. And I was like, oh, her all the things. I need to know who this woman is, like, I need to learn more. I'm gonna learn all the things about, like, what I can do to work with her. And here I am. So I love that. Thank you so so much. Yeah, Lisa and I met a little bit before the course started. And then I really, I think you were one of the first 10 people to sign up for the course. And so I know there was something there like, what were you kind of maybe struggling with that? You were like, Okay, I need something like this. And a container, like inner compass, of course. Yeah. So this was, like, after COVID-19 had really taken off. And I was in a space of, I wasn't teaching yoga anymore. A lot of the other kind of like, part time, things that I was doing just kind of up and vanished. And I felt that it was time for me. It's like, Oh, I have all this space to kind of reinvent or figure out what it is that I wanted to do. But nothing was coming. And I just didn't have any direction. And so inner compass, I mean, the title kind of says it all. I was just like, yeah, let's, let's find the kind of inside that, like, because everything was just silent. I would sit and I would meditate on it. And I was getting nothing. So just whatever I could do to help that way it was. Yeah. Yeah. And I think I mean, your experience, I kind of that image of like, of sitting and you're like meditating on things, you're doing the quote, unquote, right thing, which is like, Listen to yourself and tune in, but you're like, but I don't know, what I'm trying to listen for. And which voice is my voice which voices like, ego or my dad's or my mom's like? So you I feel like sort of the first module in the chorus, which is this episode that you're being featured on, which is about purpose. I know, purpose. It was like a heavy word for you. And so tell me about like, your concept of purpose and how that shifted through the chorus because you were also one of the volunteers that when we were on our group call, you were like, Sharon, I want you to coach me and help me with this purpose thing. So tell me about that. I was so purpose for me was like this word that sat on an altar of that what I was working towards the entire time like to find my purpose. And in my mind, my purpose is very specific. And there was once I found it like that was it and life would be like, amazing. But it just wasn't coming and so on. Being a part of inner compass allowed me to realize that your purpose doesn't have to be specific. It doesn't have to just have to do with your career, which was a huge thing for me. I take pride in a lot of the things that I do, and just a lot of things that I bring to the world. And so, for me to have to reframe that, like, my career is my purpose, what, like, it can be a piece of it, but not the whole pie that rocked me really rocked my world. And so just being a part of the inner compass and reframing that of your purpose can be so expansive, and it can be so simple. And that was really, the piece of it just stuck with me. I love that so so much for you during inner compass, because this summer, I'm going to be doing inner compass live again, which means we're going to be having the group calls, and we're gonna have a whole community aspect to it, because inner compass, of course, is a great course by itself that you can just do by yourself, but that group experience, what does that offer you? So originally, like, I just wanted to be coached by you just went on one, I'm not even gonna, like pretend but you said, you know, try the group code. And I was like, okay, you know, this is what you're doing next, I'm with it. Sure, I trust you. And it was invaluable. It's so different to be in a roomful of people who are going through the same things as you, or who have a way of articulating their own experiences that you just would have never thought to articulate or these thoughts that, you know, are in the back of your mind. But you don't actually put words to them. And now here's someone else, kind of speaking to a group. And you're like that, that thing. Like, I feel that it just really builds just a sense of community. And you start to realize that you're not just this odd individual dislike different from everyone else, like they're actual people out there who go through the same things to see you. And you can actually see what they look like and interact with them and have conversation with them. So that, for me was just amazing. I love that honesty, because I do have to say like 60% of the people who comes in either like, I don't know about group coaching, I just want the intimate one on one experience. And I'm like, Just trust me, try it out. I have a feeling you're gonna like it. And for all the reasons that you mentioned, it's like, we just had a group call recently, Lisa, because Lisa also did, wholehearted woman right after inner compass. So I'm probably gonna have Lisa on the podcast one more time, wholehearted woman is my intimate group coaching program, we also get one on one calls with me. But on the call, I said, you know what group coaching is, like, amazing, because we don't know each other, we do know each other. But we also know things about each other that like, some of the closest people in our lives, don't know, or they couldn't understand, you know, what I'm saying. And it's just, it's really beautiful to be in a space where it's just, you know, people are gonna, like, accept whatever you say, and you can be vulnerable fully agree, it's the case of, they have no perception of you. It's just, it's a blank slate, you're in this container to share these really beautiful and vulnerable aspects of you. And they're just there to absorb. So it's, there's no like, I don't know your story before this, and I don't know your story, currently. So it's like, I'm just here. So that's beautiful to me. And on a recent call was with me, you revealed to that, like literally on one of the group calls, someone said something on a group call that like, was something from the course that we were learning about, but they reframed it and articulated it and ask the question in such a way, that it was like a total revelation for you. And that's what I love about group coaching, too. It's because like, Yes, I can express it in one way, but then someone on a group call says something, and it's like, a total revelation for you. And I love it. I love when you shared that I'm really, I mean, through the group coaching, but even now more I'm so aware of how many times you have to hear something, and it doesn't matter. Yes, it can be the same thing over and over again, but each person is different. So it really does take that right time and that right way of saying something before it clicks. Because as you were saying, I had went through the lessons, I've read the thing, but it's so different. It's so just so different hearing someone say it in a way that's just, it just relates it's like it's like a magnet sadness. It's like That that thing, right there is what I've been looking forward to make all of this makes sense. So Lisa, what would you say are some of the things that shifted or transformed your life as a result of the course. And of course, they don't have to be like really big things that can be small things. But what is kind of what change has been created in your life as a result of inner compass, in so many different things, the biggest thing I would say is the release of self judgment, and tuning into feelings. I have always had a problem, or I haven't, I'm pretty self aware. But I also tend, within that awareness tend to ignore what I'm aware of it inner compass, it's one of your kind of words, it's like feeling the field. It's so crazy that when you just allow yourself to feel these emotions, and when you focus on where feelings rather than these outcomes that you think should be happening, just how things can shift in your life. And I would say that, probably the biggest takeaway, and just allowing yourself to have compassion for yourself. Because I feel like when you focus on the feelings, it's like, I'm upset, or I'm this or I'm happy. And it just allows you to have this level of compassion for yourself that you wouldn't have had before if you weren't paying attention to how you actually feel. I love that so, so much. So final question Lisa Marie, if someone is considering joining and they're unsure, or they're on the fence, or just whatever, what would you say to them about joining inner compass the course besides just go ahead and do it? Please. I would say that it is an opportunity for you to learn about yourself. And I'd be honest and say that if you're looking for someone to tell you what to do step by step and you follow that and it gives you x outcome that this might not be for you. I think you shouldn't you act as a guide into allowing people to make their own decisions and to figure things out for themselves. And so if you're ultimately looking to trust yourself, then this is the program for you. Thank you so so much Lisa Marie. Amazing things are happening in your life. I cannot wait to see them unfold. Do you want to like tell people where they can find you or your work at all? Any places you want to shout out? I mean, you could like I'm on Instagram but I'm not it's more of a I mean yeah, you can find me on Instagram at Marie's Elisa that's really about it. I I'm like the biggest cospar like post like twice a year and like I go around and I'm active on everyone I got Lisa Marie Are you are you my mom? Are you my mom? Is this what you do you just it's one of those things like I don't have the energy for it. And so I'm not going to do it I get it I totally get it like I live vicariously through everyone else and like all the content that they post like that was sounds pathway. This Lisa is like hey check out my dog. And that's about it. I love it so much Lisa, thank you so so much for being on the podcast thank you so much for being part of the inner compass community so so incredibly grateful for you Thank you. Thank you I love by thank you so much for listening love if you're interested in joining the inner compass experience my free five day masterclass where I give you a sneak peek into the inner compass experience. You can head to the show notes or go to wholehearted dash coaching comm slash experience. And if you want to find out more about inner compass, the course which is my online course that teaches you how to reignite Reclaim Your purpose, passion and joy, then you can have to wholehearted dash coaching comm slash inner compass or head to the show notes. I really do hope that you join me for one of these things, whether it's a masterclass to see what the course is like or just sign up for the course. So you can do the virtual summer camp with me this summer where I will be guiding you through this transformational process. Until next week, love I will talk to you then. Thank you so much for joining me this week. If you liked this week's episode, please share it with a friend. comment and rate this podcast until next week. See you later. Love